There are a number of key issues which deeply divide Unionists and Nationalists at present (in reality the DUP and SF) This is a great little guide to the key areas causing so much distress
As we have studied US Politics we have come to see that for legislation to pass it MUST god through BOTH houses of Congress - the House of Representatives and the Senate. One huge example of that is the issue of Obamacare in the United States. Trump and the Republican party have never hid their distaste for Obamacare which is also known as The Affordable Care Act. They resent the fact that to them it gives too much power to Federal Government in what is a huge industry. Democrats in contrast believe that healthcare is more fundamental and it should be made affordable to those less fortunate in the US. They believe the Republican plans to get rid of Obamacare are ill judged and don't have a ready, workable alternative. Getting rid of Obamacare has been a set piece promise of Trump and the Republican party. With majorities in both houses for the Republicans it looked like a certainty. However, Republican Senators like John McCain have now voted against the proposed reforms and against their own party wishes. They want much more non-partisan negotiation over an issue as vital and important as healthcare. This is an excellent example for power of the Senate ; legislative process in the US; Party Power and UK- US Comparative
Check out the great video sequence on the BBC link below to see HOW McCain dropped the bombshell and the REACTIONS to it. Also check out Trumps reaction in the link below Getting our head around the amount of deals is now becoming trickier and trickier. A few years ago it was only 3 now it is 5! I have drawn up this guide below to help out.
In Politics we use these key terms when describing elements of legislation - They can often be easily confused .. this is a little guide to getting it right.. |
February 2024
AuthorMr John Wishart - |